Nutzergruppenspezifische Mobilitätsangebote und Zielgruppenpotenziale eines intermodalen/multimodalen Angebotes

Publikation: Hochschulschrift/AbschlussarbeitSonstige Abschlussarbeiten


  • R. B. - (Autor:in)


Bunge, Ricardo: User group specific mobility offers and target group potentials of\nan intermodal/multimodal offer\nBachelor Thesis\nTechnische Universität Dresden, “Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences,\nInstitute for Transport and Economics, Chair of Information and Communication\nBusiness Management & Economics\nStudy Program Transport Economics Bachelor of Science, 2016\n32 Pages, 3 Figures, 35 References, 10 Appendices\nThis bachelor thesis overviews the potentials of combined mobility offers, so-called\nmobility packages. For further details, reference is made to the practical examples\nHannovermobil, Mobil in Düsseldorf and Mobilkarte Osnabrück. The ÖPNV is the\nbase of the mobility network, the provider of combined mobility offers. Carsharingcompanies,\ntaxi services and car rentals can be additional partners in the network.\nThe mobility services of the mentioned actors are described in consideration of advantages,\nbarriers, typical users and appropriate ways. Additionally, the following\ntrends in the mobility behavior of the Germans support the development of combined\nmobility offers: young adults use the public transportation more and more, the ownership\nof driving licenses drops in major cities, the trend use instead of possession, the\ncar loses its local value as status symbol to the smartphone, developments in the\nfield of information and communication technology, a stronger ecologically consumer\nbehavior, demographic change. Considered target groups for combined mobility offers\nare especially public transportation- and car-affin multimodal people. This is ensured\nby the reduced organizational effort by which the users are confronted with, if\nthey behave multimodal outside the package. Additionally, monomodal people can\nbe generated as costumers, if the mobility packages are an alternative to the ownership\nof a passenger car. From the costumer’s perspective the most important advantages\nof a mobility package are: specific needs are satisfied by single performance\nmodules, barriers of multimodal behavior are modified by simple access and\ninformation search, as well as the allocation of all performances from a single source.\nEspecially the customer acquisition and loyalty, the consolidation of the ÖPNV public\ntransportation and a positive image are advantages for the partners of the mobility\nnetwork.


Gradverleihende Hochschule
Betreuer:in / Berater:in
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2016
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Thesis



  • Multimodalität, Monomodalität, kombinierte Mobilität, Zielgruppen, Mobilitätsverbund