Mobilität als Einflussfaktor bei der Wohnstandortwahl

Publikation: Hochschulschrift/AbschlussarbeitSonstige Abschlussarbeiten


  • F.J. H. - (Autor:in)


Hansel, Franz J.: Mobility as an influencing factor during choices of residence\nBachelor Thesis\nTechnische Universität Dresden, “Friedrich List” Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences,\nInstitute for Transport and Economics, Chair of Information and Communication\nBusiness Management & Economics\nStudy Program Bachelor of Science, 2016\n70 Pages, 15 Figures, 2 Tables, 78 References, 3 Appendices\nThe following bachelor thesis deals with the topic of mobility as an influential factor in\nthe choice of residence. The results of the study are two folded: at the one hand side,\nit has been found out that the mobility can exert a meaningful and multi-layered impact\non residential location choices and that it constitutes a fundamental impact of\nresidence changes on the other side. Due to the long-term aftermath of such decisions,\nthey are influenced by a variety of individual and structural parameters. These\nare responsible for the formation and restriction of residential location preferences\nand could be defined differently depending on gender, age, level of income and lifestyle\nof the individual or of the whole household. Furthermore it could be demonstrated,\nthat working, future-oriented and auspicious concepts for demand driven mobility\nmanagement in residential areas already exist. These projects will prospectively create\na sustainable link between housing and mobility in many places and will optimize\nthe traffic in residential areas. To save or to increase the success of these concepts,\ncitizens should get sensitized for new mobility alternatives, involved parties and companies\nshould be integrated at the beginning of the planning process and experiences\nfrom current projects should be used to develop further advanced and modern\napproaches.


Gradverleihende Hochschule
Betreuer:in / Berater:in
  • Stopka, Ulrike, Betreuer:in
  • Merkl, Daniel, Betreuer:in
  • Schmidt, Josefine, Betreuer:in
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2016
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  • Mobilität, Einflussfaktoren, Wohnstandortwahl, Mobilitätsverhalten, Wohnumfeld