Linear Parameter Varying Controller Design For Satellite Attitude Control

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This paper presents a systematic linear parameter varying (LPV) control approach
for the 3-axis attitude control of an Earth-observation satellite in a sun-synchronous orbit. The dynamics of the satellite depend on the orientation of the solar array, which completes a full rotation every orbit, thus it is used as a scheduling parameter in the design. The satellite has two additional flexible appendages; these are 2 scatterometers. The control objective is to precisely track a given reference attitude using reaction wheels, while rejecting external
torque disturbances and sensor noise. The design follows a mixed-sensitivity approach, applying a recently introduced weighting scheme. It allows traceable and effective controller tuning by using a low number of physically interpretable weights. The controller is synthesised by solving the induced L2-norm of the closed-loop interconnection of the controller and weighted plant. Scheduling with the solar array orientation leads to an LPV notching behaviour in the
controller that effectively mitigates the effects of the array’s most prominent flexible modes. This behaviour enables increased performance, when compared to a linear time invariant controller, while maintaining robustness. The pointing performance of the synthesised controller over the complete satellite lifecycle is verified using the European Space Agency’s standards for spacecraft attitude control.


Fachzeitschrift IFAC-PapersOnLine
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Juli 2023


Titel22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
KurztitelIFAC 2023
Dauer9 - 14 Juli 2023
BekanntheitsgradInternationale Veranstaltung
OrtPacific Convention Plaza Yokohama

Externe IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-0016-9637/work/168205177
ORCID /0000-0001-6734-704X/work/168206085
