Crossover from Collective to Incoherent Spin Excitations in Superconducting Cuprates Probed by Detuned Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftForschungsartikelBeigetragenBegutachtung


  • M. Minola - (Autor:in)
  • G. Dellea - (Autor:in)
  • H. Gretarsson - (Autor:in)
  • M. W. Haverkort - (Autor:in)
  • Y. Ding - (Autor:in)
  • D. C. Peets - , University of British Columbia (Autor:in)
  • L. Chauviere - (Autor:in)
  • P. Dosanjh - (Autor:in)
  • D. A. Bonn - (Autor:in)
  • R. Liang - (Autor:in)
  • A. Damascelli - (Autor:in)
  • M. Dantz - (Autor:in)
  • X. Lu - (Autor:in)
  • T. Schmitt - (Autor:in)
  • L. Braicovich - (Autor:in)
  • G. Ghiringhelli - (Autor:in)
  • B. Keimer - (Autor:in)
  • M. Le Tacon - (Autor:in)


Spin excitations in the overdoped high temperature superconductors Tl2Ba2CuO6+δ and (Bi,Pb)2(Sr,La)2CuO6+δ were investigated by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) as functions of doping and detuning of the incoming photon energy above the Cu−L₃ absorption peak. The RIXS spectra at optimal doping are dominated by a paramagnon feature with peak energy independent of photon energy, similar to prior results on underdoped cuprates. Beyond optimal doping, the RIXS data indicate a sharp crossover to a regime with a strong contribution from incoherent particle-hole excitations whose maximum shows a fluorescencelike shift upon detuning. The spectra of both compound families are closely similar, and their salient features are reproduced by exact-diagonalization calculations of the single-band Hubbard model on a finite cluster. The results are discussed in the light of recent transport experiments indicating a quantum phase transition near optimal doping.


FachzeitschriftPhysical review letters
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 31 Aug. 2017
Extern publiziertJa

Externe IDs

Scopus 85029702202
