Analyse der Nutzung von Free-Floating-Carsharing anhand einer empirischen Untersuchung

Publikation: Hochschulschrift/AbschlussarbeitSonstige Abschlussarbeiten


  • N.A. - (Autor:in)


The purpose of this bachelor´s thesis with the title “Analysis of the Use of Free-Floating-Car Sharing: An Empirical Research” is to investigate the general use of free-floating car sharing in Hamburg. Based on a comparison of the two provider car2go and DriveNow, the major objective of this study is to give an overview of the usage. After providing the theoretical background, the data has been analyzed in regard to the level of usage and the frequency of renting a car per day. Furthermore, the connections between free-floating-car sharing and public transport have been discussed. After exploring the flow of traffic for the free-floating vehicle in Hamburg, the market development of the new provider DriveNow was investigated. Finally, an economic analysis concluded the analytical part of this thesis. The results reveal that free-floating car sharing in Hamburg is used in the interest of the company´s business model: short-time and one-way rides were predominantly. Moreover, the customers rented the vehicles most frequently on Friday and Saturday. The results also indicate a higher usage of free-floating car sharing in the morning and in the evening from Monday to Friday. In contrast, on the weekend the peak is reached not before the afternoon and evening. Further, usage for leisure activities was predominantly but at the same time the daily way to work and apprenticeship also matter. Within this investigation car2go could be identified as market leader, whereas DriveNow could be characterized as successful follower. Finally, the results do not validate the expectations that free-floating car sharing completely displaces public transportation. It does rather substitute and supplement this mean of transport. In Conclusion, this thesis contributes to obtain a better understanding of the free-floating car sharing market in Hamburg and to get first insights into the connection between free-floating car sharing and public transport.


Gradverleihende Hochschule
Betreuer:in / Berater:in
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2014
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Thesis



  • Analyse, Free-Floating-Carsharing