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Prediction of Coercive Measures Using AI and Electronic Health Records

Auszeichnung: PreisPublikations-/Konferenzpreis


Our study demonstrates a possible real-word application for the transformative power of Large Language Models in psychiatry: based on a standardized information extraction pipeline, a psychiatry-native model delivers highly relevant data to the classifying algorithm. In clinical practice, this predictive score might be useful to allocate scarce preventive resources more efficiently to minimise the necessary application of coercive measures.


Shared authorship of poster: Guillermo Calvi and Falk Gerrik Verhees. Poster presentation at the conference: Falk Gerrik Verhees
Verleihende OrganisationenDeutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN)