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Archives of materials science and engineering : international scientific journal published monthly as the organ of the Committee of Materials Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences

ISSNs: 1897-2764, 0138-032x

International OCSCO World Press, Gliwice, Polen

Scopus-Bewertung (2022): CiteScore 2,1 SJR 0,346 SNIP 0,682

Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  • Archives of materials science and engineering : international scientific journal published monthly as the organ of the Committee of Materials Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences(2007 → …)
  • Archives of materials science : quarterly(20042006)
  • Archiwum nauki o materiałach = Archives of material science(19802004)
Weitere durchsuchbare TitelArchives of Materials Science and Engineering
ISSNs1897-2764, 0138-032x
VerlagInternational OCSCO World Press, Gliwice


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