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Journal of Vietnamese Environment (Fachzeitschrift)

Aktivität: Begutachtung von Manuskripten und herausgeberische TätigkeitenHerausgebertätigkeit

Personen und Einrichtungen


Nov. 2011 → …


Founder and Editor-in-Chief of ​​​​​Journal of Vietnamese Environment - JVE (ISSN 2193-6471).

JVE is an open-access journal covering environmental sciences in Vietnam. The journal publishes its content in different formats, such as research articles, reviews, policy papers, event reports and short communications. The journal aims to disseminate the outcomes from different research fields in environmental management and protection in Vietnam. A primary intent of the journal is to provide a platform for Vietnamese researchers to inform the international community about the progress of environmental research in Vietnam. The journal encourages early-career researchers to publish their work and get the professional recognition.