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Hydrogen storage in a commuter aircraft: combining classical engineering design process with model based systems engineering for CFRP pressure vessel integration

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5 Juli 2023


For the integration of hydrogen storage in the center wing of a commuter aircraft, the requirements for the storage system are specified and the boundary conditions are analyzed. High-pressure storage tanks with increased gravimetric storage density are designed for the resulting installation space. In a first step, an analytical dimensioning of the tank is carried out. In the next step, numerical manufacturing and structural simulations are done and an exemplary manufacturing technology is implemented. The pre-designed tank is integrated into a Model-Based Design model, from which the flight range and any necessary system adjustments to increase the range are derived.


TitelInternational Symposium on Electric Aviation and Autonomous Systems 2023
KurztitelISEAS 2023
Dauer5 - 7 Juli 2023
BekanntheitsgradInternationale Veranstaltung
OrtWarsaw University of Technology & online


DFG-Fachsystematik nach Fachkollegium

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