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1884 Prizes
  1. 2024
  2. WAXMANN Posterpreis

    Peters, F. (Recipient) & Schorcht, S. (Recipient), Mar 2024

    Prize: Publication/Conference prize

  3. Best Doctoral Project Award

    Prochaska, E. (Recipient), 23 Feb 2024

    Prize: Publication/Conference prize

  4. Best Paper Award des at - Automatisierungstechnik Jahrgangs 71 (2023) in der Rubrik Anwendungen

    Krahmer, S. (Recipient), Ecklebe, S. (Recipient), Schegner, P. (Recipient) & Röbenack, K. (Recipient), 22 Feb 2024

    Prize: Publication/Conference prize

  5. Young Author Award

    Nguyen, T. B. (Recipient), 15 Feb 2024

    Prize: Publication/Conference prize

  6. Travel Award

    Bachmann, L. (Recipient), 12 Feb 2024

    Prize: Fellow/scholarshipMobility

  7. Poster Award

    Vorobevskaia, E. (Recipient), 2 Feb 2024

    Prize: Publication/Conference prize

  8. OSIP Open Science Award 2023

    Hildebrandt, M. K. (Recipient), 24 Jan 2024

    Prize: Publication/Conference prize

  9. B. Braun-Stiftung Fortbildungsstipendium

    Theilen, R. L. (Recipient), 17 Jan 2024

    Prize: Fellow/scholarshipOther fellow/scholarship

  10. Visiting Fellow

    Kneuer, M. (Recipient), 4 Jan 2024

    Prize: Fellow/scholarshipFellow Appointment

  11. ACM SIGBED HSCC Best Paper Award

    Aghamov, R. (Recipient), Piribauer, J. (Recipient), Baier, C. (Recipient), Karimov, T. (Recipient) & Ouaknine, J. (Recipient), 2024

    Prize: Publication/Conference prize

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