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34 Results for: "Kultur und Gesellschaftlicher Wandel"
  1. Max Planck Institute für Wissenschaftsgeschichte: Scholar in Residence Fellowship

    Halpern, O. (Recipient), 2011

    Prize: Fellow/scholarshipOther fellow/scholarship

  2. Awarded subvention funding for book, “Beautiful Data”

    Halpern, O. (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: Publication/Conference prize

  3. Summer Fellowship: Participated in the “Science on the Screen” workshop

    Halpern, O. (Recipient), 2004

    Prize: Fellow/scholarshipFellow Appointment

  4. John Parker Scholarship

    Halpern, O. (Recipient), 2003

    Prize: Fellow/scholarshipPhD Scholarships

  5. Jerold Green Research Grant-Merit Fellowship

    Halpern, O. (Recipient), 2003

    Prize: Fellow/scholarshipPhD Scholarships

  6. Pre-Doctoral Fellowship

    Halpern, O. (Recipient), 2001

    Prize: Fellow/scholarshipFellow Appointment

  7. Doctoral Student Stipend and Tuition Support

    Halpern, O. (Recipient), 1999

    Prize: Fellow/scholarshipPhD Scholarships

  8. Non-Resident Fellow

    Kneuer, M. (Recipient), 1 Feb 2020

    Prize: Other distinction

  9. Discovery Research Projects: Geopolitics of Automation

    Halpern, O. (Applicant/PI), Rossiter, N. (Applicant/PI), Neilson, B. (Applicant/PI), Munster, A. (Applicant/PI) & Magee, L. (Applicant/PI), 2019

    Prize: Fellow/scholarshipResearch projects/Networks