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1808 Prizes
  1. 2023
  2. GFF-Lehrpreises 2023

    Kruppke, B. (Recipient) & Apelt, S. (Recipient), 17 Nov 2023

    Prize: Prize for teaching (incl. supervision)

  3. Anerkennungspreis der Deutschen Kinderkrebsnachsorge 2023

    Martini, J. (Recipient) & Herzog, K. (Recipient), 15 Nov 2023

    Prize: Other prize

  4. BI Research Fellow

    Wählisch, M. (Recipient), Nov 2023

    Prize: Fellow/scholarshipFellow Appointment

  5. PRIS Stipendium

    Seefeld, L. (Recipient), Nov 2023

    Prize: Fellow/scholarshipOther fellow/scholarship

  6. SLSA Michelle Kendrick Memorial Book Prize

    Halpern, O. (Recipient), 29 Oct 2023

    Prize: Publication/Conference prize

  7. Preis der Kirchhoff Stiftung

    Bolz, P. G. (Recipient), 27 Oct 2023

    Prize: PhD Thesis Prize

  8. KONTAKT-Price

    Trittler, T. (Recipient), 26 Oct 2023

    Prize: Student prize