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1807 Prizes
  1. 2022
  2. Cloud&Heat-Dissertationspreis

    Goens Jokisch, A. W. (Recipient), 7 Jul 2022

    Prize: PhD Thesis Prize

  3. Reisekostenzuschuss für Forschungsaufenthalt an der Harvard Medical School

    Schütze, L. (Recipient), Jul 2022

    Prize: Fellow/scholarshipOther fellow/scholarship

  4. ACL Young Talent Award 2022

    Wang, Z. (Recipient), 30 Jun 2022

    Prize: Student prize

  5. ACL Young Talent Award 2022

    König, R. (Recipient), 30 Jun 2022

    Prize: Student prize

  6. ACL Young Talent Award 2022

    Wieja, N. F. (Recipient), 30 Jun 2022

    Prize: Student prize

  7. ACL Young Talent Award 2022

    Dünkel, L. (Recipient), 30 Jun 2022

    Prize: Student prize

  8. Life Science Summer Conference Poster Award

    Vorobevskaia, E. (Recipient), 24 Jun 2022

    Prize: Publication/Conference prize

  9. Best Academic Poster - 2. Platz

    Liebermann, C. (Recipient) & Meinck, M. (Recipient), 22 Jun 2022

    Prize: Publication/Conference prize

  10. Nachhaltigkeitspreis „Beste Masterarbeit des Deutschen Textilmaschinenbaues 2022“

    Michel, M. A. (Recipient), 22 Jun 2022

    Prize: Student prize