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12209 Activities
  1. 2004
  2. Earth pressure calculations using Mohr-Coulomb model with softening

    Herle, I. (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  3. Earth Pressure on Cantilever Retaining Walls - a Problem of Soil Structure Interaction

    Arnold, M. (Speaker), Herle, I. (Involved person)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  4. Entwicklung einer Zweikreiswärmepumpe zum Heizen und zur Warmwasserbereitung, Darstellung von Messergebnissen und Erfahrungen

    Müller, B. (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  5. Erddruck auf Kellerwände - eine stark schwankende Größe?

    Arnold, M. (Speaker), Herle, I. (Involved person)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  6. Formulieren spanische Wissenschaftler einfacher?

    Böhmer, H. (Involved person)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  7. Forschungsbericht zum Stand der Samisdat-Forschung in Deutschland

    Mottel, H. (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  8. F(r)ctions and F(r)action(s): Ted Hughes's Imaginary Autobiography in Verse

    Detmers, I. (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  9. German Research Foundation (DFG) (External organisation)

    Hufenbach, W. (Member)

    Activity: Memberships/Positions at TUD and external institutionsAcademic institutionsReview board

  10. Germany Mapping Function Parameters Derived from Numerical Weather Model Data in Global GPS Network Analysis - a Comparative Study.

    Vey, S. (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  11. Gespaltenes Gedächtnis. Deutsche Erinnerungsliteraturen

    Schmitz, W. (Involved person)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed