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13198 Activities
  1. 2019
  2. Additive Layer Manufacturing for Aircrafts - Opportunities, Challenges and Certification

    Markmiller, J. F. C. (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  3. A distribution-free Credit Risk Approach

    Locarek-Junge, H. (Involved person)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  4. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (Journal)

    Mauder, M. (Member of editorial board)

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial work

  5. Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR) (Event)

    Neufeld, J. S. (Editor), Buscher, U. (Editor), Lasch, R. (Editor), Möst, D. (Editor), Schönberger, J. O. (Editor)

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial work

  6. Anthropology Colloquia

    Halpern, O. (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  7. Application Architecture for Innovation

    Xie, X. (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationInvited

  8. Architecture History and Theory Seminar, Keynote, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, June 5, 2019. Paranoia confe

    Halpern, O. (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsKeynoteInvited

  9. Auf leisen Pfoten - Der Luchs zurück in den sächsischen Wäldern?

    Zschille, J. (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed

  10. Ausblick auf die Pflegeausbildung im Jahr 2029

    Walter, A. (Speaker)

    Activity: Talk or presentation at external institutions/eventsTalk/PresentationContributed