Using existing site surveillance cameras to automatically measure the installation speed in prefabricated timber construction

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  • Alireza Ahmadian Fard Fini - , University of Technology Sydney (Autor:in)
  • Mojtaba Maghrebi - , Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Autor:in)
  • Perry John Forsythe - , University of Technology Sydney (Autor:in)
  • Travis Steven Waller - , University of New South Wales (Autor:in)


Purpose: Measuring onsite productivity has been a substance of debate in the construction industry, mainly due to concerns about accuracy, repeatability and unbiasedness. Such characteristics are central to demonstrate construction speed that can be achieved through adopting new prefabricated systems. Existing productivity measurement methods, however, cannot cost-effectively provide solid and replicable evidence of prefabrication benefits. This research proposes a low-cost automated method for measuring onsite installation productivity of prefabricated systems. Design/methodology/approach: Firstly, the captured ultra-wide footages are undistorted by extracting the curvature contours and performing a developed meta-heuristic algorithm to straighten these contours. Then a preprocessing algorithm is developed that could automatically detect and remove the noises caused by vibrations and movements. Because this study aims to accurately measure the productivity the noise free images are double checked in a specific time window to make sure that even a tiny error, which have not been detected in the previous steps, will not been amplified through the process. In the next step, the existing side view provided by the camera is converted to a top view by using a spatial transformation method. Finally, the processed images are compared with the site drawings in order to detect the construction process over time and report the measured productivity. Findings: The developed algorithms perform nearly real-time productivity computations through exact matching of actual installation process and digital design layout. The accuracy and noninterpretive use of the proposed method is demonstrated in construction of a multistorey cross-laminated timber building. Originality/value: This study uses footages of an already installed surveillance camera where the camera's features are unknown and then image processing algorithms are deployed to retrieve accurate installation quantities and cycle times. The algorithms are almost generalized and versatile to be adjusted to measure installation productivity of other prefabricated building systems.


Seiten (von - bis)573-600
FachzeitschriftEngineering, Construction and Architectural Management
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 8 März 2022
Extern publiziertJa

Externe IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-2939-2090/work/141543776



  • Auto-measurement, Image processing, Prefabrication speed
