Untersuchungen zur morphologie, biologie und ökologie der räuberischen weichwanze Dicyphus errans Wolff (Heteroptera, Miridae, Bryocorinae)

Publikation: Hochschulschrift/AbschlussarbeitDissertation



The omnivorous mirid bug Dicyphus errans Wolff (Heteroptera, Miridae, Bryocorinae) lives on a wide range of host plants and feeds on various preys. Over 150 plant species accepted by the mirid bug have been identified. It was experimentally shown that 15 prey species are efficiently consumed. Another characteristical features of D. errans is that it preferes hairy plants. Thus, the mirid bug occupies unique niches avoided by many other insects. Investigations, carried out at the Botanical Garden of the Technical University of Dresden (2000-2002) gave evidence for a remarkable predatory activity and ability to adaptation to different habitats, preys and climate conditions. The studies presented in the dissertation (2002-2005) gave the comprehensive knowledge about the species D. errans, especially its morphology, rearing, bionomy and ecology (fecundity and ontogenesis depending on selected factors, dormancy), habitat preference and locomotion (spatial orientation and structural-analytical studies of the interactions between the bug and plant surfaces), foraging and food ingestion (predatory capacity and omnivory). In addition, video documentation of the modus vivendi and the behavior was performed. The generalist and opportunist D. errans lives together with predators and parasitoids and takes part in a biological control of phytophagous insects in biocenoses. The life history of this bug species appeared to be very complex. The close association to plants has to be considered. Dicyphus errans offers a model system for further research on omnivorous predatory insects connected with hairy plants. V Voigt (2005) Dissertation Resumen Disertación de Dipl.-Ing. Dagmar Voigt para obtener del grado académico de Dr. rer. nat. de la facultad de ciencias forestales, geografícas e hidrológicas de la Universidad Técnica de Dresden con el título „Investigaciones sobre la morfología, biología y ecología del mírido depredador Dicyphus errans Wolff (Heteroptera, Miridae, Bryocorinae)“


PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2005
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Thesis

Externe IDs

ORCID /0000-0003-2772-8504/work/142660214
