Uncertainties in forest biomass estimation using optical remote sensing data-sets
Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Konferenzbericht/Sammelband/Gutachten › Beitrag in Buch/Sammelband/Gutachten › Beigetragen › Begutachtung
This chapter describes various uncertainty sources in forest biomass estimation using optical remote sensing and terrestrial sample based forest inventory data-sets. The uncertainties can be originated both from data-sets and data processing methods. The main sources of uncertainty are due to the lower correlation between the amount of forest biomass and the corresponding reflectance value that is acquired by optical satellite sensor data. The uncertainty is also originated because of the atmospheric influence of optical data acquisition, sensor stability and retrieval of surface reflectance from Digital Numbers (DNs). Topographic variables incur uncertainty in satellite derived reflectance value, if forests are located in undulating or rugged terrains. Errors are also propagated if precise geometric registrations are lacking between satellite image and forest inventory data collected from the ground. Satellite data classification errors influence forest biomass estimation if forest strata is considered to allocate the ground samples and the area estimate of each forest strata is derived from satellite image classification. The origin of uncertainty can also be from the measurement techniques of trees in the ground. Other sources of errors include the uncertainties in the development and application of allometric equations. Errors can also be originated because of the integration techniques used for combining information derived from optical sensor and ground based forest inventory data. This chapter also describes and recommends the procedure to minimize the error sources and increase the accuracy in forest biomass estimation. The discussion elaborated in this chapter will be very helpful for the understanding of errors propagated in forest biomass assessment and mapping using optical remote sensing data and the increasing of accuracy in forest biomass estimates in local to global scale.
Originalsprache | Englisch |
Titel | Advances in Environmental Research |
Herausgeber (Verlag) | Nova Science Publishers, Inc. |
Seiten | 227-246 |
Seitenumfang | 20 |
Band | 61 |
ISBN (elektronisch) | 9781536129229 |
ISBN (Print) | 9781536129212 |
Publikationsstatus | Veröffentlicht - 17 Nov. 2017 |
Peer-Review-Status | Ja |