The intergrowth structure of Ag1.2Bi17.6S23Cl8 and its relation to the tubular structure of Bi6+δS6+3δCl6-3δ and the pavonite homologue Ag3xBi5-3xS8-6xCl6x-1

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The crystal structures of two members of the solid solution series Bi6+δS6+3δCl6-3δ and of Ag1.2Bi17.6S23Cl8 have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction at room temperature. Single-crystals used for the investigations were obtained from a reaction involving Bi2S3 and AgCl in the molar ratio 3:2 at 740 K. Bi6+δS6+3δCl6-3δ compounds crystallize in the hexagonal space group P63/m (no. 176) with a=11.427(2) Å, c=4.071(1) Å, for δ=0.64, and a=11.540(2) Å, c=4.040(1) Å, for δ=0.86 (Z=1). The disordered structure of Bi6+δS6+3δCl6-3δ is closely related to the ordered rhombohedral structure of Bi4S5Cl2. It consists of parallel six-membered ring channels of face- and edge-sharing bicapped trigonal prisms around Bi atoms with additional Bi atoms on the central axes. Ag1.2Bi17.6S23Cl8 adopts the monoclinic space group C2/m (no. 12) with a=53.036(9) Å, b=4.030(1) Å, c=11.643(4) Å, β=94.4(1)°, Z=2. Ag1.2Bi17.6S23Cl8 adopts a new structure type that can be interpreted as a periodic layered intergrowth of modules from Bi6+δS6+3δCl6-3δ and the pavonite homologue Ag3xBi5-3xS8-6xCl6x-1 ((2, x)P) along [1 0 0]. The detailed geometrical analysis reveals a remarkable similarity of the interface in the three structures.


Seiten (von - bis)3636-3644
FachzeitschriftJournal of solid state chemistry
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Dez. 2006

Externe IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-2391-6025/work/166325856