Supply circuit for dielectric elastomer actuators in dynamic applications

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The development and characterisation of DEA in dynamic applications are often restricted by the limitations of the power amplification. The amplification should be able to provide a sufficiently high bias voltage and sufficiently high current to achieve the desired amplitude and bandwidth with a linear behaviour. Commercial devices are costly, yet often show insufficient AC signal amplification capabilities. Usually, the available current output reduces significantly with increasing voltage range, limiting the overall applicability. Alternative solutions, e.g. inducing the AC signal through a transformer onto a DC high voltage circuit, show also constrains in the achievable performance and are not easily adaptable to a wider range of DEA. We developed a circuitry for laboratory use which allows the coupling of separate dedicated sources to provide the bias voltage and the AC-signal using an isolating capacitance. The circuitry can safely operate up to a maximum voltage of 10 kV, has a very linear frequency response with a lower cut-off frequency of less than 1 mHz and can operate with fairly large DEA (> 100 nF). Safety measures are included to ensure a discharge of the system within less than 1 s. With the realized circuitry, a greater performance at significantly lower costs compared to commercially available devices is achievable. This enables further development and better characterisation of DEA in dynamic applications.


PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2019


Titel9th international conference on Electromechanically Active Polymer (EAP) transducers & artificial muscles
KurztitelEuroEAP 2019
Dauer4 - 6 Juni 2019

Externe IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-0803-8818/work/142257013
ORCID /0000-0002-8588-9755/work/159171805
ORCID /0009-0007-5022-0975/work/159605216
