STRAIDE: A Research Platform for Shape-Changing Spatial Displays based on Actuated Strings

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Konferenzbericht/Sammelband/GutachtenBeitrag in KonferenzbandBeigetragenBegutachtung


We present STRAIDE, a string-actuated interactive display environment that allows to explore the promising potential of shape-changing interfaces for casual visualizations. At the core, we envision a platform that spatially levitates elements to create dynamic visual shapes in space. We conceptualize this type of tangible mid-air display and discuss its multifaceted design dimensions. Through a design exploration, we realize a physical research platform with adjustable parameters and modular components. For conveniently designing and implementing novel applications, we provide developer tools ranging from graphical emulators to in-situ augmented reality representations. To demonstrate STRAIDE’s reconfigurability, we further introduce three representative physical setups as a basis for situated applications including ambient notifications, personal smart home controls, and entertainment. They serve as a technical validation, lay the foundations for a discussion with developers that provided valuable insights, and encourage ideas for future usage of this type of appealing interactive installation.


TitelCHI 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
ErscheinungsortNew Orleans, LA, USA
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 29 Apr. 2022

Externe IDs

Scopus 85130579299
dblp conf/chi/EngertKPD22
Mendeley 064adf11-f4a1-3453-831f-233377e125df
ORCID /0000-0003-1467-7031/work/142253356
ORCID /0000-0002-2176-876X/work/151435410



  • Shape-Changing Interface, Casual Visualization, Spatial Display, Tangible Interaction, Data Physicalization, Prototyping Platform