Separat und/oder simultan aktivierbare mechanische Verbindungen von Bauteilen eines Erzeugnisses

Publikation: Geistiges EigentumPatentanmeldung/Patent


  • Technische Universität Dresden


Components of a product are joined by separately and/or simultaneously activatable joints in which swelling elements (1) detach or secure the joints by the action of a swelling agent on a swelling substance. Alternatively, the effect is achieved by the action of a solvent on a soluble substance. Pref. swelling substance or soluble substance is formed by cellulose or wood products, or by polymer substances. Partic. pref. soluble substance contains polyvinyl alcohol and partic. pref. swelling agents or solvents are water or water vapour or alcohols or their vapours. Releasing or securing joints can take place at elevated temp. or pressure.


Components of a product are joined by separately and/or simultaneously activatable joints in which swelling elements (1) detach or secure the joints by the action of a swelling agent on a swelling substance. Alternatively, the effect is achieved by the action of a solvent on a soluble substance. Pref. swelling substance or soluble substance is formed by cellulose or wood products, or by polymer substances. Partic. pref. soluble substance contains polyvinyl alcohol and partic. pref. swelling agents or solvents are water or water vapour or alcohols or their vapours. Releasing or securing joints can take place at elevated temp. or pressure.

IPC (Internationale Patentklassifikation)F16B 2/ 02 A I
Prioritätsdatum1 März 1995
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 12 Sept. 1996
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Patent

Externe IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-8588-9755/work/142659697