Robustness of topological defects in discrete domains

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Topological defects are singular points in vector fields, important in applications ranging from fingerprint detection to liquid crystals to biomedical imaging. In discretized vector fields, topological defects and their topological charge are identified by finite differences or finite-step paths around the tentative defect. As the topological charge is (half) integer, it cannot depend continuously on each input vector in a discrete domain. Instead, it switches discontinuously when vectors change beyond a certain amount, making the analysis of topological defects error prone in noisy data. We improve existing methods for the identification of topological defects by proposing a robustness measure for (i) the location of a defect, (ii) the existence of topological defects and the total topological charge within a given area, (iii) the annihilation of a defect pair, and (iv) the formation of a defect pair. Based on the proposed robustness measure, we show that topological defects in discrete domains can be identified with optimal trade-off between localization precision and robustness. The proposed robustness measure enables uncertainty quantification for topological defects in noisy discretized nematic fields (orientation fields) and polar fields (vector fields).


FachzeitschriftPhysical Review E
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 5 Jan. 2021

Externe IDs

PubMed 33601629
ORCID /0000-0003-4414-4340/work/142252159