Reconfigurable Computing Systems as Component-oriented Designs for Robotics

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Modern robotic platforms are increasingly complex due to incorporating various heterogeneous sensors and several actuators generating data at large frequencies. They are mostly based on embedded computers but relying on software solutions not entirely suited for parallel processing. FPGAs are an ideal candidate to solve this issue, enhancing those systems’ computing capabilities while still being programmable. We follow a holistic approach and study which components are needed for FPGA-based robotic applications. We propose a model-based component-oriented workflow to realize such applications. Its only input is a System’s Specification to generate components to manage N accelerators, their behavior and interfaces to several middlewares. Only simple modifications to specifications rather than complex changes to implementations are needed to generate all these tailored components for any kind of robotic applications.


PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Sept. 2021

Externe IDs

Scopus 85125790779
ORCID /0000-0003-2571-8441/work/142240541



  • Code generation, Embedded hardware, FPGAs, HW/SW co-design, Model-based, Robotics