Raw Data for Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty in Structural Health Monitoring Systems Under Temperature Influence

Publikation: Sonstige VeröffentlichungSonstigesBeigetragen


Raw data from distance measurements using laser triangulation sensors acquired under different temperatures are provided. Six sensors were tested per experiment (CSV file), and in each experiment the boundary conditions are varied as follows:

00RawData_LTS_1m: The entire measurement system is subject to temperature change, with initial distances chosen as LTS1/LTS2=17 mm, LTS3/LTS4=21 mm nd LTS5/LTS6=25 mm.

01RawData_LTS_1m_SwitchedDistances: The entire measurement system is subject to temperature change, with the selected initial distances of LTS1/LTS2=25 mm, LTS3/LTS4=17 mm nd LTS5/LTS6=21 mm.

02RawData_LTS_1m_SwitchedDistances2: The entire measurement system is subject to temperature change, with initial distances selected as LTS1/LTS2=21 mm, LTS3/LTS4=25 mm nd LTS5/LTS6=17 mm.

03RawData_LTS_1m_OnlySensor: Only the sensors of the measuring system are subject to temperature change, where the selected initial distances are LTS1/LTS2=21 mm, LTS3/LTS4=25 mm nd LTS5/LTS6=17 mm.

04RawData_LTS_1m_OnlyMeasuringAmplifier: Only the measuring amplifiers of the measuring system are subject to temperature change. The selected initial distances are LTS1/LTS2=21 mm, LTS3/LTS4=25 mm nd LTS5/LTS6=17 mm.

05RawData_LTS_1m_OnlyCable: Only the cables of the measurement system are subject to the temperature change. The selected initial distances are LTS1/LTS2=21 mm, LTS3/LTS4=25 mm nd LTS5/LTS6=17 mm.

Tested temperature range: -10°C to 50°C
Measuring frequency: 1 Hz
Measuring amplifier: Q.bloxx.XL A107 Gantner Instruments
Cable: 4-pole, 1.00 m length
Sensor: OM20-P0026.HH.YIN laser triangulation sensor from Baumer
Titel in Übersetzung
Rohdaten zur Bewertung der Messunsicherheit in Structural Health Monitoring-Systemen unter Temperatureinfluss


TypRohdaten Laser-Triangulationssensoren
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 9 Okt. 2022
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.OtherContribution

Externe IDs

ORCID /0000-0003-4752-1519/work/142245452