Private sector perception of reducing deforestation in brazil: analysis of challenges from 2010 to 2019

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftForschungsartikelBeigetragenBegutachtung


  • Patricia Gallo - , BluoVerda Deutschland e.V. (Autor:in)
  • Maria Fernanda Gebara - , Center for International Forestry Research (Autor:in)
  • Tatiane Micheletti - , University of British Columbia (Autor:in)
  • Alice Dantas Brites - , University of São Paulo (Autor:in)


Purpose: This paper aims to shed light on the private sector's perspective on REDD+ in Brazil, and how this perspective has evolved over time. Methodology/Approach: This research is part of the Global Comparative Study on REDD+ (GCS REDD+) on policies and political processes from the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).  Findings: Our results indicate that national business organizations believe that REDD+ is an affordable way to mitigate climate change. However, it suggests that while this sector is seeking financial benefits from REDD+ activities, it is taking a very cautious and risk-averse approach. The private sector is not engaged and does not self-identify within the operational challenges that REDD+ policymakers are grappling with as they seek to embrace the possibilities of this mechanism. Research Limitation/Implication: To explore how these private sector actors perceive REDD+, whether such a perspective has changed from 2010 to 2019, and its implications for further REDD+ design in the national context. Originality/Value of the paper: private actors' positions on key statements about financing, benefit sharing and equity, governance, and challenges over three different time periods. A better understanding of how the private sector perceives REDD+ will contribute to national framing and more effective multi-level governance.


FachzeitschriftRevista Produção e Desenvolvimento
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 5 Sept. 2023
Extern publiziertJa

Externe IDs

Mendeley 9468e983-97c3-3179-a2e3-0078bd2eb191
unpaywall 10.32358/rpd.2023.v9.637
