Path-constrained traffic assignment: A trip chain analysis under range anxiety

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftForschungsartikelBeigetragenBegutachtung


  • Tong Gen Wang - , Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Autor:in)
  • Chi Xie - , Shanghai Jiao Tong University, University of New South Wales (Autor:in)
  • Jun Xie - , Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Autor:in)
  • Travis Waller - , University of New South Wales (Autor:in)


This paper proposes and analyzes a distance-constrained traffic assignment problem with trip chains embedded in equilibrium network flows. The purpose of studying this problem is to develop an appropriate modeling tool for characterizing traffic flow patterns in emerging transportation networks that serve a massive adoption of plug-in electric vehicles. This need arises from the facts that electric vehicles suffer from the "range anxiety" issue caused by the unavailability or insufficiency of public electricity-charging infrastructures and the far-below-expectation battery capacity. It is suggested that if range anxiety makes any impact on travel behaviors, it more likely occurs on the trip chain level rather than the trip level, where a trip chain here is defined as a series of trips between two possible charging opportunities (Tamor et al., 2013). The focus of this paper is thus given to the development of the modeling and solution methods for the proposed traffic assignment problem. In this modeling paradigm, given that trip chains are the basic modeling unit for individual decision making, any traveler's combined travel route and activity location choices under the distance limit results in a distance-constrained, node-sequenced shortest path problem. A cascading labeling algorithm is developed for this shortest path problem and embedded into a linear approximation framework for equilibrium network solutions. The numerical result derived from an illustrative example clearly shows the mechanism and magnitude of the distance limit and trip chain settings in reshaping network flows from the simple case characterized merely by user equilibrium.


Seiten (von - bis)447-461
FachzeitschriftTransportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Juli 2016
Extern publiziertJa

Externe IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-2939-2090/work/141543871



  • Combined activity-travel choices, Electric vehicles, Network equilibrium, Range anxiety, Traffic assignment, Trip chains