OTF2 v3.0.3

Publikation: Deaktiviert: Nicht-textuelle VeröffentlichungenSoftwareBegutachtung



Version 3.0.3 of the OTF2 tracing library. Changes from version 2.x include:

- Add support for accelerator and network devices in the system tree.
- Rename the location type for GPUs to accelerator streams.
- Add location group type for accelerator contexts. Such a group must
contain at least one accelerator stream location, any number of
metric locations, and no CPU thread locations. Similarly, process
location groups must now contain at least one CPU thread location,
may contain any number of metric locations, and may no longer
contain accelerator stream locations.
- Add creating location group to the location group definition. For
process location groups, this may be undefined or another process
location group. For accelerator location groups, this must be a
process location group.
- Add support for mapping of location groups.
- Add event records for non-blocking collective operations on
- Add event records for communicator creation and destruction.
- Add support for inter-communicators.
- Add a date/time attribute to the ClockProperties record, denoting
when the trace was recorded.
- The `otf2-config` tool can now show the configuration summary via
the `--config-summary` parameter.
- Using deprecated API functions will now issue warnings, if supported
by the compiler used. Disable by adding
to you compiler flags.
- Remove zlib code and deprecate OTF2_COMPRESSION_ZLIB. The API is
retained though, but will be removed in the next major release.
- Use a more inclusive language. Some functions are available under
a new name and the old ones are mark as deprecated.
- Add proper support for NVIDIA HPC SDK compilers to build system
via `--with-nocross-compiler-suite=nvhpc`.
- Add proper support for Intel oneAPI compilers to build system
via `--with-nocross-compiler-suite=oneapi`.
- Add proper support for AMD ROCm compilers to build system via
- Fix reading thumbnails.
- Restore ability to build on non-64-bit platforms.
- Allow building the locking headers with newer compilers.
- Python 2.x is now deprecated for the bindings and generator, as
Python 2 reached its end-of-life as of 1 Jan 2020. Python 2 support
is no longer tested and will be removed no later than OTF2 4.0.


PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 10 Feb. 2023

Externe IDs

ORCID /0000-0001-5806-3176/work/142236869
ORCID /0000-0002-5437-3887/work/154740529