Organische Leuchtdiode und Anordnung mit mehreren organischen Leuchtdioden

Publikation: Geistiges EigentumPatentanmeldung/Patent


  • Novaled GmbH


A light emitting organic film is formed between an electrode and a counter electrode. The organic film is formed on a metal substrate without forming an insulating layer between the organic film and metal substrate. The electrode is either a positive or negative electrical contact while the counter electrode is the other of the positive or negative electrical contact. An independent claim is also included for an arrangement of OLEDs.


A light emitting organic film is formed between an electrode and a counter electrode. The organic film is formed on a metal substrate without forming an insulating layer between the organic film and metal substrate. The electrode is either a positive or negative electrical contact while the counter electrode is the other of the positive or negative electrical contact. An independent claim is also included for an arrangement of OLEDs.

IPC (Internationale Patentklassifikation)H01L 51/ 52 A I
Prioritätsdatum1 Juli 2005
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 3 Jan. 2007
No renderer: customAssociatesEventsRenderPortal,dk.atira.pure.api.shared.model.researchoutput.Patent