Organic electronic memory component, memory component arrangement and method for operating an organic electronic memory component

Publikation: Geistiges EigentumPatentanmeldung/Patent


  • Novaled GmbH


The invention relates to an organic electronic memory component, comprising an electrode and a counterelectrode and an organic layer arrangement formed between the electrode and the counterelectrode and in electrical contact therewith, wherein the organic layer arrangement comprises the following organic layers: a charge carrier transport layer on the electrode side and a charge carrier blocking layer on the counterelectrode side, and a memory layer region located therebetween having a charge carrier-storing layer and a further charge carrier-storing layer, between which a charge carrier barrier layer is located. The invention further relates to a method for operating an organic electronic memory component.


The invention relates to an organic electronic memory component, comprising an electrode and a counterelectrode and an organic layer arrangement formed between the electrode and the counterelectrode and in electrical contact therewith, wherein the organic layer arrangement comprises the following organic layers: a charge carrier transport layer on the electrode side and a charge carrier blocking layer on the counterelectrode side, and a memory layer region located therebetween having a charge carrier-storing layer and a further charge carrier-storing layer, between which a charge carrier barrier layer is located. The invention further relates to a method for operating an organic electronic memory component.

IPC (Internationale Patentklassifikation)G11C 11/ 00 A I
Prioritätsdatum17 Apr. 2007
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 16 Dez. 2008
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