Navigating Time and Energy Trade-Offs in Reactive Heterogeneous Systems

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Reactive software poses stringent and comprehensive requirements: deterministic execution with stringent timing constraints under a tight energy budget. Meeting these requirements is particularly challenging when executing on the increasingly heterogeneous platforms of today. In this paper, we integrate MOCASIN, a design space exploration tool, into LINGUA FRANCA, a programming framework for building deterministic and timed reactive software. We show that this integration enables choosing a desired timing and energy performance at design time. We demonstrate our approach in a satellite attitude control application consisting of periodic real-time tasks and sporadic non-real-time tasks. The latter sporadic tasks are coordinated using quasi-static schedules, computed by MOCASIN, leading to less energy consumption compared to the Linux scheduler under CPU frequency scaling governors such as powersave, schedutil, and ondemand.


FachzeitschriftIEEE Embedded Systems Letters
PublikationsstatusAngenommen/Im Druck - 2024


Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung


  • Compiler, Concurrency, Design Space Exploration, Energy Consumption, Quasi-Static Scheduling