MOF processing by electrospinning for functional textiles

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We present the use of electrospinning for the immobilization of metal-organic framework particles in fibers and the production of homogeneous textile-like layers. HKUST-1 and MIL-100(Fe) are stable during the electrospinning process from a suspension. Excellent high loadings of up to 80wt% of MOF in the polymeric fibers are achieved. The total accessibility of the inner surface is guaranteed for adsorption processes due to very small fiber diameters in comparison to the particle size. This method provides the know-how for the immobilization of MOFs on flexible, textile-like substrates. Applications such as gas purification or removal of toxic compounds in protective clothing are conceivable. Composite textile layers of electrospun polymer fibers containing up to 80wt% metal-organic framework particles exhibit a total accessible inner surface area. HKUST-1/PS gives a pearl necklace-like alignment of the crystallites on the fibers with relatively low loadings (left image). In contrast, HKUST-1/PAN (right image) results in a spider web-like network of the fibers with MOF particles like trapped flies in it.


Seiten (von - bis)356-360
FachzeitschriftAdvanced engineering materials
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Apr. 2011
