Low-frequency performance of a woofer-driven flat-panel loudspeaker (Part 2: Numerical system optimization and large signal analysis)

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The paneled woofer design is a new concept to improve the low-frequency behavior of flat-panel loudspeakers. This paper focuses on the numerical optimization of the transducer resources, the panel properties, and the system construction. The low-frequency optimization is based on an electro-mechanical network model, by which the modal depending air compliance is introduced. However, various parameters are modified and validated with measurements. Furthermore, the maximum sound pressure level is considered and the limiting distortions are differentiated from the panel and the woofer itself. The results are compared with the large-signal behavior of an exciter mounted on the same panel. Summarized, additional advice for the optimization of the frequency response is given and examples for unsuitable constructions are presented.


PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2020


Titel149th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2020, AES 2020
Dauer27 - 30 Oktober 2020
StadtVirtual, Online

Externe IDs

ORCID /0000-0002-0803-8818/work/142257062
