Enabling the multi-user generalized degrees of freedom in the Gaussian cellular channel

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Konferenzbericht/Sammelband/GutachtenBeitrag in KonferenzbandBeigetragenBegutachtung


  • Rick Fritschek - , Technische Universität Berlin (Autor:in)
  • Gerhard Wunder - (Autor:in)


There has been major progress over the last decade in understanding the classical interference channel (IC). Recent key results show that constant bit gap capacity results can be obtained from linear deterministic models (LDMs). However, it is widely unrecognized that the time-invariant, frequency-flat cellular channel, which contains the IC as a special case, possesses some additional generalized degrees of freedom (GDoF) due to multi-user operation. This was proved for the LDM cellular channel very recently but is an open question for the corresponding Gaussian counterpart. In this paper, we close this gap and provide an achievable sum-rate for the Gaussian cellular channel which is within a constant bit gap of the LDM sum capacity. We show that the additional GDoFs from the LDM cellular channel carry over. This is enabled by signal scale alignment. In particular, the multi-user gain reduces the interference by half in the 2-user per cell case compared to the IC.


Titel2014 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2014)
Herausgeber (Verlag)IEEE
ISBN (Print)978-1-4799-5999-0
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 5 Nov. 2014
Extern publiziertJa


Titel2014 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2014)
Dauer2 - 5 November 2014
OrtHobart, TAS, Australia

Externe IDs

Scopus 84929308999



  • Interference, Receivers, Noise, Vectors, Encoding, Integrated circuits, Lattices