Electroluminescent assembly

Publikation: Geistiges EigentumPatentanmeldung/Patent



The invention relates to a light-emitting apparatus consisting of a conductor plate and a light-emitting component having organic layers. The component comprises at least one charge carrier transport layer for electrons and/or holes from an organic material ( 5, 9, 25, 29, 45, 49 ) and a light-emitting layer of an organic material ( 7, 27, 47 ), and is characterized in that the organic sequence of layers is applied to a conductor plate as substrate and provided with at least one doped transport layer to improve electron and/or hole injection. In addition, layers to improve substrate-side electron or hole injection ( 3, 23, 43 ) and smoothing layers ( 4, 24 ) may be used.


The invention relates to a light-emitting apparatus consisting of a conductor plate and a light-emitting component having organic layers. The component comprises at least one charge carrier transport layer for electrons and/or holes from an organic material ( 5, 9, 25, 29, 45, 49 ) and a light-emitting layer of an organic material ( 7, 27, 47 ), and is characterized in that the organic sequence of layers is applied to a conductor plate as substrate and provided with at least one doped transport layer to improve electron and/or hole injection. In addition, layers to improve substrate-side electron or hole injection ( 3, 23, 43 ) and smoothing layers ( 4, 24 ) may be used.

IPC (Internationale Patentklassifikation)H05K 1/ 03 A N
Prioritätsdatum19 Dez. 2003
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 27 Okt. 2005
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