Dynamic Wind Tunnel Testing of an INDI-Based Flight Controller for a Tiltrotor-VTOL

Publikation: Beitrag in Buch/Konferenzbericht/Sammelband/GutachtenBeitrag in KonferenzbandBeigetragenBegutachtung


  • Mark Henkenjohann - , Fraunhofer-Institut für Entwurfstechnik Mechatronik (Autor:in)
  • Udo Nolte - , Fraunhofer-Institut für Entwurfstechnik Mechatronik (Autor:in)
  • Julien Jahneke - , Fraunhofer-Institut für Entwurfstechnik Mechatronik (Autor:in)
  • Oliver Reimer - , Fraunhofer-Institut für Entwurfstechnik Mechatronik (Autor:in)
  • Stefan Abrams - , Fraunhofer-Institut für Entwurfstechnik Mechatronik (Autor:in)
  • Fabian Sion - , Fraunhofer-Institut für Entwurfstechnik Mechatronik (Autor:in)
  • Christian Henke - , Fraunhofer-Institut für Entwurfstechnik Mechatronik (Autor:in)
  • Ansgar Trächtler - , Fraunhofer-Institut für Entwurfstechnik Mechatronik (Autor:in)
  • Sebastian Schubert - , Professur für Flugmechanik und Flugregelung (Autor:in)
  • Harald Pfifer - , Professur für Flugmechanik und Flugregelung (Autor:in)


Hybrid unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) like Tiltrotor VTOLs, Tiltwings or Tailsitters have become increasingly relevant in recent years. Due to their highly nonlinear and over-actuated dynamics a sufficient controller approach is required. Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion (INDI) is a novel approach capable to stabilize and control hybrid UAVs. However, INDI is a very complex controller approach. Hence, real world flight testing poses a certain risk for a crash. Wind tunnel based virtual flight tests are a possible way validating such a controller approach at minimum risk. Thus, this paper presents validation of an INDI based attitude controller for a Tiltrotor-VTOL conducting dynamic wind tunnel testing. For that purpose, the aircraft is integrated into a wind tunnel using a 3-degrees-of-freedom test rig. This test rig is equipped with load cells measuring the forces acting on the aircraft. On this basis doublets for roll and pitch angle are commanded at different steady state points during the transition. Based on the system responses the controller approach is validated.


TitelAIAA SciTech Forum, 2025
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 3 Jan. 2025

Externe IDs

ORCID /0000-0001-6734-704X/work/176341997
