Current Scaling in Current-Mode CMOS Circuits

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current mode circuits can be found in various analog/mixed signal information processing circuits which require compact, multiple computational units with limited precision. An important part of such an analog computation is adjustable linear scaling. Traditionally, translinear circuits are used for this purpose. However, these circuits are limited as to achievable linearity and maximum current range because of the need to keep them in the subthreshold region. A combination of fixed factor current scaling and variable current splitting is introduced with which a high precision current scaling over a large current range can be achieved, extending and improving the current range as known from translinear circuits despite still operating in the subthreshold region. This large current range is especially interesting with respect to High Dynamic Range (HDR) image acquisition and image processing so as to avoid compressing (and distorting) the original photo current range. An example HDR image processing sensor design is illustrated.


TitelDresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf 2005
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 Apr. 2005