Applying the new DIN 33459 quality management standard for educational entrepreneurs

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftForschungsartikelBeigetragenBegutachtung


When a new standard is adopted in a field, new opportunities arise for entrepreneurs, who might identify competitive advantages. With the introduction of Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) 33459 in Germany, a new standard for assessing and maintaining competencies of learning facilitators leads to an exciting phase for educational entrepreneurs. They have to decide whether adoption of this standard can lead to new efficiencies, or whether resistance to change could be too strong. We discuss quality management in the context of educational entrepreneurs as well as potential problems, but also opportunities. We make considerations as to how lawmakers might utilize the new standard and integrate it as policy, forcing entrepreneurs and organizations to take action. Finally, we review what an actual implementation of DIN 33459 could mean for entrepreneurs and potential customers and deliberate whether this new standard could be a catalyst or act as an inhibitor for potential entrepreneurs.


Seiten (von - bis)144-156
FachzeitschriftJournal of the International Council for Small Business
Frühes Online-Datum9 Okt. 2024
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 2025

Externe IDs

Scopus 85206103956
ORCID /0009-0007-9918-0687/work/173517447


Forschungsprofillinien der TU Dresden

DFG-Fachsystematik nach Fachkollegium

Fächergruppen, Lehr- und Forschungsbereiche, Fachgebiete nach Destatis

Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung


  • educational entrepreneur, entrepreneurs, quality education, Quality management, standard