Accounting for GIA signal in GRACE products

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The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) observes gravitational potential anomalies that include the effects of present-day surface mass change (PDSMC)- and glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA)-driven solid Earth mass redistribution. Therefore, GIA estimates from a forward model are commonly removed from GRACE to estimate PDSMC. There are several GIA models and to facilitate users in using a GIA model of their choice, both GRACE and GIA products are made available in terms of global gridded fields representing mass anomaly. GRACE-observed gravitational potential anomalies are represented in terms of equivalent water height (EWH) with a relation that accounts for an elastic solid Earth deformation due to PDSMC. However, for obtaining GIA EWH fields from GIA gravitational potential fields, two relations are being used: one that is similar to that being used for GRACE EWH and the other that does not include an elastic deformation effect. This leaves users with the possibility of obtaining different values for PDSMC with a given GRACE and GIA field. In this paper, we discuss the impact of this problem on regional mass change estimates and highlight the need for consistent treatment of GIA signals in GRACE observations.


Seiten (von - bis)2056-2060
FachzeitschriftGeophysical journal international
Frühes Online-Datum12 Nov. 2021
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 1 März 2022

Externe IDs

Scopus 85122290826
ORCID /0000-0001-5797-244X/work/142246522

