A framework for integrating ecosystem service provision and connectivity in ecological spatial networks: A case study of the Shanghai metropolitan area

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  • Hui Chen - , Tongji University (Autor:in)
  • Wentao Yan - , Tongji University (Autor:in)
  • Zihao Li - , Tongji University (Autor:in)
  • Wolfgang Wende - , Professur für Siedlungsentwicklung (gB/IÖR), Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung e. V., Technische Universität Dresden (Autor:in)
  • Suili Xiao - , Leibniz-Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung e. V. (Autor:in)


Ecological spatial networks (ESNs) that integrate ecosystem service (ES) provision and connectivity can address the challenges of fragmented ecological space and declining ES provision in metropolitan areas worldwide. While methods focusing on ES provision or connectivity in ESN planning have been established, a comprehensive method is still lacking. This study employed a synthesis of the spatial prioritization analysis method and complex network theory to propose an ESN planning framework: building ESNs by connecting ecological sources that exhibit high ES provision, creating four prioritization scenarios by integrating the two objectives, and dynamically simulating the network to identify a set of performance-optimal scenarios. The results showed several overlapping areas between scenarios prioritizing ES provision and prioritizing connectivity, allowing for multi-objective win-win outcomes. It is recommended to prioritize ES provision at thresholds of 39 % and 50 % of ESN areas, while overall, the importance of ecological source connectivity should be emphasized. Different optimal scenarios were observed at different thresholds, which highlights the need to identify ESN priority areas for achieving multiple objectives with limited resources. Furthermore, optimal scenarios provided planners with targeted planning strategies and management implications across multiple dimensions. The ESN planning framework is applicable to other intensely developed metropolitan areas, offering sustainable and resilient solutions to effectively achieve multiple objectives.


FachzeitschriftSustainable Cities and Society
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - Jan. 2024



  • Complex network, Connectivity, Ecological spatial networks, Ecosystem services, Metropolitan areas, Network simulation, Planning framework, Prioritization scenario