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EMBO member

Auszeichnung: Ehrung/WürdigungEhrenmitgliedschaft in einer Akademie


Election as an EMBO Member recognizes a scientist’s research excellence and outstanding achievements.

While EMBO Membership is a lifelong honour, an efficient annual nomination and election process ensures that the scope of EMBO remains broad and open, with the flexibility to expand rapidly into emerging areas and to embrace new concepts in the life sciences. Candidates for EMBO Membership are exclusively nominated and elected by the existing EMBO Members. The initiative to nominate a candidate must come from one of the current EMBO Members; it is not possible to apply to become a member of EMBO.

As a membership organization, EMBO owes its reputation and impact to the quality and dedication of its community of more than 2,000 EMBO Members. The members apply their expert insight to guide the execution of all EMBO initiatives through scientific peer review and by serving on EMBO Council, Committees and Advisory Boards. As a result, EMBO Members collectively influence the future direction of life science research and strengthen the research communities across Europe.
Verleihende OrganisationenEuropean Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)