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Best Demo Audience Award for "Illuminated Interactive Paper with Multiple Input Modalities for Form Filling Applications" at ACM ISS'17

Auszeichnung: PreisPublikations-/Konferenzpreis


As an annual conference series starting in 2006, the ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS) (formerly known as ACM ITS, International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces) is the premier venue for research addressing the design, development and use of new and emerging tabletop, digital surface, interactive spaces and multi-surface technologies. Over the years ISS has been a venue for research and applications of interactive surfaces as well as spaces, which has been acknowledged by the incorporation of 'Space' into our conference identity since 2016.

The conference awards several distinguished contributions to highlight important work as well as promising future directions in the area of tabletops and interactive surfaces. Additionally, the audience voted the best poster and best demonstration.


Titel12th Annual ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces
KurztitelACM ISS 2017
Dauer17 - 20 Oktober 2017
BekanntheitsgradInternationale Veranstaltung
OrtJurys Inn Brighton Waterfront
LandGroßbritannien/Vereinigtes Königreich

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