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Journal of the American Chemical Society

ISSNs: 0002-7863

Weitere durchsuchbare ISSN (elektronisch): 1520-5126

American Chemical Society

Scopus-Bewertung (2023): CiteScore 24,4 SJR 5,489 SNIP 2,48

Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  • Journal of the American Chemical Society
  • Journal of the American Chemical Society
Weitere durchsuchbare TitelAmerican Chemical Society, J Am Chem Soc, Jour nal of the American Chemical Society, Journal American Chemical Society, Journal of American Chemical Society, Journal of the Americal Chemical Society, Journal of the american chemical society, Journal of the American Chemical Society [8], Journal of the American Chemical Society., Journal of the American Chemical Society®, Journal of the Chemical Society, Journal or the American Chemical Society, Journla of the American Chemical Society, The Journal of the American Chemical Society, The Journal of the Amrican Chemical Society, J. Am. Chem. Soc.
Weitere durchsuchbare ISSN (elektronisch)1520-5126
VerlagAmerican Chemical Society

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