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Earth and Planetary Science Letters

ISSNs: 0012-821X

Elsevier Science B.V.

Scopus-Bewertung (2023): CiteScore 10,3 SJR 2,294 SNIP 1,464

Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  • Earth and Planetary Science Letters
  • Earth and planetary science letters
Weitere durchsuchbare TitelEARTH & PLANET. SCI. LETT., Earth & Planetary Science etters, Earth & Planetary Science Leters, Earth & Planetary Science Letters, Earth & Planetary Science Letters, Earth & Planetary Science Letters\, Earth & Planetary Sciences Letters, Earth & Planetery Science Letters, Earth and Panetary Science Letters, Earth and Planetary Sceince Letters, Earth and planetary science letters, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, Earth and Planteary Science Letters, EARTH PLANET. SCI. LETT., EARTH PLANET.SCI.LTRS, Earth Planetary Science Letters
VerlagElsevier Science B.V.

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