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Annals of work exposures and health : addressing the cause and control of work-related illness and injury

ISSNs: 2398-7308, 0003-4878

Weitere durchsuchbare ISSN (elektronisch): 2398-7316, 1475-3162

Oxford University Press, Großbritannien/Vereinigtes Königreich

Scopus-Bewertung (2023): CiteScore 4,6 SJR 0,667 SNIP 0,867

Fachzeitschrift: Zeitschrift

  • Annals of work exposures and health : addressing the cause and control of work-related illness and injury(2017 → …)
  • The annals of occupational hygiene : an international journal published for the British Occupational Hygiene Society(19582016)
Weitere durchsuchbare TitelAnn Work Expo Health, Annals of work exposures and health, The Annals of Occupational Hygiene, Ann. Occup. Hyg., Annals Occup Hyg
ISSNs2398-7308, 0003-4878
Weitere durchsuchbare ISSN (elektronisch)2398-7316, 1475-3162
VerlagOxford University Press
Land/GebietGroßbritannien/Vereinigtes Königreich

Verknüpfte Inhalte

(Mono-) Exposure to Naphthalene in the Abrasives Industry: Air Monitoring and Biological Monitoring

Weiss, T., Breuer, D., Bury, D., Friedrich, C., Werner, S., Aziz, M. & Hummel, T. & 6 weitere, Raulf, M., Zschiesche, W., Sucker, K., Pallapies, D., Bünger, J. & Brüning, T., 16 Nov. 2020, in: Annals of work exposures and health : addressing the cause and control of work-related illness and injury. 64, 9, S. 982-992 11 S.

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