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Optimal reconstruction of sub-resolution structures in fluorescence microscopy images

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30 Mai 2017



TitelFuture Trends in DNA-based Nanotechnology
BeschreibungNucleic acid-based nanotechnology employing basic biological principles such as molecular recognition and self-assembly for advanced materials synthesis is now a pioneering field. The meeting will reflect the enormous progress in this rapidly growing cross-disciplinary field, and, by bringing experts from different scientific fields together, will enhance the exchange of ideas and understanding.
Topics include
• Designer nucleic acid nanoarchitectures
• DNA-directed materials design
• DNA-directed photonic structures and sensor aplications
• Cellular and in-vivo DNA nanotechnology
• Advanced imaging techniques and structure modeling for nucleic acid nanostructures
• Dynamic DNA nanotechnology
• DNA nanotechnology for programmable molecular circuitry, intracellular biocomputation and synthetic biology
Dauer29 Mai - 2 Juni 2017
OrtMax-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
