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Open GLASSroom project

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Personen und Einrichtungen


15 Nov. 2023


Despite its popularity, glass is still considered a highly specialised material, rarely taught at technical universities and certainly not at the same level as more commonly applied materials, such as steel, concrete and timber. This Erasmus+ project brings together an international community of glass experts in developing a common future-oriented glass curriculum. Together we produce high-quality educational materials on glass design & engineering, digitalise and share them as Open Educational Resources on the platform Open GLASSroom. We address fundamental and emerging topics in research and innovation, including sustainability of glass in construction. Our aim is to consolidate existing knowledge and create synergies between students, educators, researchers and practitioners across Europe. The project is led by six universities - Technische Universität Dresden, Delft University of Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague, University of Rijeka, Universitat de Girona, Politecnico di Bari, and supported by industrial partners. This talk is an open call for contributions to all glass experts and enthusiast who would like to share about their built projects and research on glass.


TitelGlass Forum 2023
Dauer15 November 2023
BekanntheitsgradInternationale Veranstaltung
OrtTU Delft


Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung


  • glass design & engineering, open educational resources, digitalisation