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How to isolate GIA empirically in mass balance studies?

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5 Sept. 2017


GIA is a major error component in gravimetric determination of ocean mass change and ice sheet mass change, both being crucial for understanding global and regional sea level budget. Hence, we are working towards developing methods to combine satellite gravimetry together with ice and ocean altimetry for reconciling ocean mass change and quantifying GIA mass effects in a globally consistent way. Here, as a case study, we present an investigation of empirical GIA estimation approaches for Antarctica. We examine methods of data combination, assumptions on the density and the error characterization of used data. This sensitivity study identifies key issues for possible improvements in the data analysis and discusses further developments in mass balance studies and empirical GIA estimation.


TitelIAG/SCAR-SERCE Workshop on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and Elastic Deformation
Dauer5 - 7 September 2017
BekanntheitsgradInternationale Veranstaltung
OrtGrand Hotel Reykjavik


Fächergruppen, Lehr- und Forschungsbereiche, Fachgebiete nach Destatis