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Covid 19 and the Liberal State, John Stuart Mill and the Question of Civil Liberty

Aktivität: Vortrag oder Präsentation an externen Einrichtungen/VeranstaltungenVortragBeigetragen


14 Mai 2021


ABSRACT: The coronavirus pandemic apparently has become the most pressing challenge of the beginning of the 21st century. The measures undertaken by national governments for containing the COVID-19 pandemic go along with fundamental restrictions of civil rights and constraints of civil liberties with huge restrictions for economic activities, too. In our contribution we want to discuss these restrictions from a liberal point of view as it is outlined in John Stuart Mill’s essay “On Liberty” and draws some conclusions about the legitimacy of the preset restrictions of civil and economic liberties in cases of pandemic diseases.
Commentator: Professor Geert Demuijnck, EDHEC Business School, Lille, France (EBEN)


TitelRethinking Political Economy in the Age of Crisis
UntertitelSociety for Business Ethics (SBE) & European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) Panel
BeschreibungA joint EBEN/SBE Panel on 21st century sustainable development
in the age of crisis
Dauer14 Mai 2021
BekanntheitsgradInternationale Veranstaltung



  • Corona Pandemic, John Stuart Mill

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