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Clinical Research Learning - a Global Perspective

Aktivität: Veranstaltungsorganisation und -teilnahmenOrganisation einer Veranstaltung

Personen und Einrichtungen




atum17.08.2023Zeit15:00 - 17:00SprecherKeynote: Prof. (MEd, MPH, MMSc, MD, PhD) Felipe FregniZugehörigkeitHarvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA.SpracheenHauptthemaMedizinHostProf. Dr. med. Michael Albrecht & Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Esther TroostBeschreibungCarl Gustav Carus Symposium on the Future of Clinical Research Education
Moderated by Prof. Dr. med. Timo Siepmann
3:00 pm Opening Remarks
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Albrecht, Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Esther Troost
3:20 pm Clinical Research Learning – a Global Perspective
Felipe Fregni, MEd, MPH, MMSc, MD, PhD, Boston
3:50 pm Role of Clinical Research Education in the Surgical Disciplines
PD Dr. med. Carina Riediger, Dresden
4:00 pm Clinical Research Learning in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Disciplines
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Spieth, Dresden
4:10 pm Clinical Research Learning and Pediatrics
Dr. med. Tina Mery, Chemnitz
4:20 pm – 5:00 pm |Panel Discussion
Prof. Dr. med. Timo Siepmann (Host)


TitelClinical Research Learning - a Global Perspective
Dauer17 August 2023
OrtTUD Medizinische Fakultät